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Svella Connect Launches New Company Values After Consultation With Employees

Svella Connect has unveiled its new company values as the business continues to drive people and culture initiatives forward to achieve its vision of becoming the employer of choice in the telecoms industry.

A comprehensive and structured consultation process with colleagues across the business ensured everyone was given the opportunity to contribute during the process.

“Values are so important to a business, they help people feel part of the culture and to know they are a critical part of that business,” said Emily Sharpes, Svella Connect’s Learning & Development Business Partner.

For the last six months Emily and her team have been hard at work establishing Svella Connect’s company values – a list of five key messages which not only define the business but the people who work within it.

Values shape a company's culture and promote cohesion and cooperation among teams. They also help explain why a business does what it does and differentiates its brand from competitors.

As the company has matured, we wanted the new values to reflect this and where we want to be.” Emily explains. “So we decided to replace them and ask the people across the business what they thought.”

The selection process involved a wide-ranging consultation across the company, from managers in the manager development programme, team leaders and supervisors, and field operatives.

Their feedback was then collated, cross-checked, and arranged into themes. Even then, the job wasn’t completed.

“That left us with a list of 20 values, which then had to be whittled down to the final five,” says Emily.

The final list of company values is:

1. Ethical – Always Doing The Right Thing: We will always be honest when something doesn’t feel right, stand loud and stand proud with our choices, and commit to fairness in all our activities.

2. Teamwork – Achieve More Together: We want to work together to win together, accomplish our goals by working as a team, and encourage an environment of collaboration and communication.

3. Ownership – Drive It, Own It: We always remain accountable for our actions, commit to excellence, encourage you to do what you do, and do it well.

4. Evolutionary – The Road To Success Is Always Under Construction: We aspire to be entrepreneurial and innovative, embrace and drive change, and remain curious in how we do our jobs.

5. Inclusivity – All Voices Heard: We are united by our differences, we treat all people with dignity and respect, and encourage our people to be themselves.

The values will be highly visible, being displayed on IT screen savers, on walls, printed artwork in office, in vans, van-packs, and wherever Svella Connect people are.

People Director Nicola Arrowsmith says: “The values are especially important because they define who we are, what we believe in, and what we aspire to work at day in and day out.

“Values are critical to creating a long-lasting, successful and motivating place to work, that’s why it’s important they are embraced at every level, not just by the executive team.

“We wanted the values to be action-oriented, so that people could easily relate to them and so they could serve as a guide for how colleagues should act and behave in their daily work.”


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